22 Of The Oldest Women In History To Have Given Birth


21. Rosanna Della Corte


Rosanna Della Corte had suffered an unbearable loss when she lost her adolescent son named Ricardo through a car accident. She struggled with the immense grief and then she decided to mother another child. She and her husband later turned to Dr. Antinori for assistance. The doctor implanted a donor egg that was fertilized by her husband’s sperm into Rosanna’s womb. After the seventh attempt, the operation was successful, and another baby was born in 1994.

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These Elderly Celebrities Barely Resemble Their Former Selves

15) Cybill Shepherd Cybill Shepherd came to fame in Taxi Driver opposite Robert De Niro. Nonetheless, she garnered attention for Maddie Hayes in the 80s TV sitcom Moonlighting, where her chemistry with Bruce Willis was unmistakable. Shepherd maintains a distinct look, but her lustful years are ended. Then Now