Beauty Routine to Improve Your Skin


You – my reader! – Thank You for Reading Me! –
The one that takes the time to read my ideas, my struggles or what-nots I’m publishing here. I want you to know that I am grateful to you for being here even if I’m sure that sometimes there are better and more important things you can do.

I know, I don’t have a lot of traffic and there aren’t hundreds and thousands of readers and users checking my blog every day but there are a few of you who are reading it.

To you I’m saying the most honest and from the bottom of my heart “Thank you”

Thank you for your time to read this article, is published by ® – Cosmopolitan Woman On Top

Bananas: Sweet Temptation or Health Hazard? 20 Compelling Reasons to Limit Your Intake!

19. Weight Gain Bananas may seem like a healthy fruit with low-calorie content. However, consuming them frequently can cause weight gain. Despite not being as calorie-dense as other high-fat foods, bananas can still contribute to weight gain. Try to monitor how many bananas you consume to avoid unintended weight gain. …

15 Strategies to Boost Your Immune System Against COVID-19

COVID-19 is continuing to sweep most of the countries across the world, with various cases surging every day. Due to this reason, most people are desperately looking for many ways that they can prevent it. Also, others are looking for strategies that can boost their immune system against COVID-19. Here are the strategies that people should consider.

Why you should never cross your legs

Increased Blood Pressure Various studies done in 2010 came to the conclusion that when you sit for hours with your legs crossed, the blood pressure in your body rises. Avoiding this habit of crossing your legs will help you live a healthy life even if you don’t have any problems with your …