
A Világ 20 Legszebb Nője

20.Mozhdah Jamalzadah 5 éves korára Mozhdah és családja Kanadába menekült, hogy elmeneküljön a háború sújtotta Afganisztánból. Amikor családja új otthont alapított Nagy Fehér Északon, a zene felé fordult, mint inspirációt, hogy elfelejtse, mit hagyott hátra. A British Columbia Egyetemen végzett tanulmányai során megírta és elénekelte első slágerét Afghan Girl címmel, …

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Elephant Unearths Jaw-Dropping Discovery After Epic 11-Hour Dig!

Recently, a large crowd had gathered to watch in awe as one particular Indian elephant embarked on unusual behavior. Throughout the night, for a staggering 11 hours, the majestic creature relentlessly dug a hole, much to the astonishment of the villagers. It was evident to bystanders that this was not …

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Love & Lavish Lifestyles: Who Holds the Heart of the Mega Wealthy?

The partners of the world’s wealthiest individuals often lead lives most can only dream of. With their own substantial wealth, many of these spouses are no strangers to the exclusive ranks of millionaires and billionaires. Some may also donate their time and resources to charitable organizations and worthy causes. The …

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Bananas: Sweet Temptation or Health Hazard? 20 Compelling Reasons to Limit Your Intake!

Bananas are known for their creamy texture and rich flavor. However, indulging in them excessively can have negative effects on health. Despite their reputation as an amazing fruit, eating too many bananas has several drawbacks and side effects. Here are twenty reasons to exercise caution when consuming this beloved fruit. …

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These Elderly Celebrities Barely Resemble Their Former Selves

The limelight that used to shine upon these superstars was large and vibrant. Years later, the same light is focusing everyone’s attention on how these icons have aged. These people are still liked; it seems like that their choices to “let go” or change their look are unexpected. However, the …

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15 Strategies to Boost Your Immune System Against COVID-19

COVID-19 is continuing to sweep most of the countries across the world, with various cases surging every day. Due to this reason, most people are desperately looking for many ways that they can prevent it. Also, others are looking for strategies that can boost their immune system against COVID-19. Here are the strategies that people should consider.

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21 Celebs Who Have Already Come Out That They Are Gay

Within the 2000s, the LGBT individuals began to achieve extra assist. Since then, musicians, actors, and writers have publicly come out. Some celebs come out within the media homes whereas others use social platforms. Here’s a checklist of the highest homosexual celebs which have already come out.

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The Most Remarkable Oscar Outfits Ever

Celebrities have been consistently making the headlines with their impressive outfits. While some were trying at all costs to show new fashionable style in their respective industry, most of them are having the best year of their carrier life. The following are some of the most remarkable Oscar outfits that …

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Tori Roloff: First Child Incurable Diagnosis and More Saddening Family Troubles

Tori Roloff is known for her reality TV show called Little People, Big World. When she gave birth to his son, she realized that the newborn was just like his father, who was also diagnosed with dwarfism. However, she was never worried about the situation. All she wanted was good health for her son. She had no idea this was the beginning of her troubles.

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20 Everyday Situations Only Couples Can Understand!

Did you ever fall in love? Have you ever moved in with your bae and shared each other’s lives? Then you’d relate to the story of Wyatt and Blu – our cute, witty, and dyed-hair couple who are all set to bring smiles to your faces. Here’s their story:

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