DIY Kitchen Hacks You Must Know


34. Teeth Whitener

Ingredients and Tools
Baking Soda
To clean stained teeth and make it whiter, add a spoonful of baking soda into a bowl. Add one spoonful of vinegar to the baking soda and mix to form a paste.  Scoop a paste on the toothbrush and use it to brush teeth. The result is cleaner and whiter teeth .

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Bananas: Sweet Temptation or Health Hazard? 20 Compelling Reasons to Limit Your Intake!

19. Weight Gain Bananas may seem like a healthy fruit with low-calorie content. However, consuming them frequently can cause weight gain. Despite not being as calorie-dense as other high-fat foods, bananas can still contribute to weight gain. Try to monitor how many bananas you consume to avoid unintended weight gain. …

22 Of The Oldest Women In History To Have Given Birth

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