How My Decision to Laser my Fat Went About


How My Decision to Laser my Fat Went About

For a start off let me make it clear, I am an addict to wellness. It was ten months ago when I decided that am going to change my life. In that short I was going to change my body. Being in my 30s, I realized that there was nothing going to ever change in my life the way I wanted. I did nothing about my sluggishness, the extra weight I had gained, headaches which had come more often due to my lifestyle and age.

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So, my first step was to visit a nutritionist. The outcome was that I seized drinking alcohol, started exercising each morning even though I hate mornings and became a vegetarian. My obsession switched trying plenty of things magazines say, such as herbal teas, jade rolling, ingestible tonics and powders, Epsom salt baths, tongue scraping and lymphatic drainage massages. The results were great since I lost two dress sizes and 10 pounds. I felt healthier and wellness became more than just a thing I tried to reduce weight.

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However, no matter how hard I tried to exercise in the morning or tried to balance my diet and resist chocolate and cookies, I could not get rid of the remaining bit of fat just below my belly button. I dreamed looking myself in the mirror wearing a bikini with a completely flat belly. I would have either done two hours of Kayla Itsines work out daily or quit sweet forever just in order for me to feel comfortable with the region

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Finally I decided to burn my fat through the triggered lesser technology. I attempted SculpSure body contouring which is an FDA-certified technique of getting away with fat cells. The fats are said to be expelled out of the body in the form of wastes and liquid. When the fats are destroyed, they eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system.

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Dr. Dele Michael who carried out my first SculpSure treatment told me that I was a perfect candidate for the procedure. In my first appointment, the doctor did a full-body evaluation and decided the pin point area. The treatment lasts for only 25 minutes although it may be a little bit uncomfortable but not painful.
I first stripped to my underwear wore a paper robe. After that I was fastened with a belt containing three openings for the lasers. I had to sit on a reclining chair that resembles that one used by dentist. The laser create a strange, hot stinging sensation once the hit the body. A good thing is that the machine gives the body a moment of recovery since the machine balances heat and cold blast of air. All that time I kept myself busy with Instagram and email which really helped.

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The feeling immediately after the procedure and five days later was interesting since my stomach became sore and it felt like I had done 100 sit ups. Being a fan of the motto no pain gain this felt like a good signal to me. Dr. Dele Michael said that it was normal and the body was only reacting to the therapy and it was on the recovery mode.

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A small result can be noticed a few weeks after the first treatment although for noticeable difference at least two sessions are recommended. I cannot wait to go back for the second session since am seeing some improvements. My lower belly is now becoming more flat and feels more taught. I am still maintaining my work out routine and rituals to supplement it.

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